This is an open letter to the wonderful people in my life that I'm close to. You all know who you are. I didn't really edit this much...I just kind of kept it rough and from the heart.
So without further ado...
Dear Close Friends,
To the girl who has been there since like the beginning of my life. You keep me accountable, love me no matter what, and listen to me ramble on and on. We have so many great memories together. You challenge me to be a better Christian and are a good example of what a God-centered life looks like. I'm sorry for the times I'm not always the kindest to you...I do know that we don't agree on everything, and I really should respect that more. :) I missed you this past summer when you were gone at camp, etc. You're truly like my big sister and are one of my very best friends. I love you!
To the girl who adopted me as her little sister years ago...and have grown super close to these past couple years. You'll have me over for sleepovers at your house or just the two of us will be hanging out somewhere by ourselves and we will talk about anything and definitely challenge me in my faith and yet I don't really feel like you judge me that much. We agree on a lot of things that I never thought we would to be honest. :P I love you--you're my older sister and one of my very best friends!
To the girl I consider my best friend...thank you for coping with my craziness and joining in with me. Thank you for accepting and loving me for who I am, but even more so, enjoying being around me when I'm being my ridiculous self. Thank you for the times you just listened to me talk non-stop about something stupid when you wanted to go to sleep early. I love you, my adopted little sister.
To the boy who's like my (slightly) younger brother. Yeah, I've known you your whole life. There are pictures of me holding you as a baby. We have a lot of the same personality and our opinions clash often, but I know you love me unconditionally and I do the same. Thank you for always being there. I missed you this fall when you went a way and stayed with friends for a couple months.
To my guy bestie...thank you for putting up with me being an idiot sometimes. I know I can be crazy...even though most of the time it's not in person, and I appreciate that you'll respond to my messages no matter what. I take you for granted way too much of the time. You're hilarious and talented and I'm truly blessed to have you as a best friend. You mean a lot to me.
To another one of my best friends who lives way too far away from me. You fill a void in my heart that no one else does. It was a very unlikely friendship, but I have no clue where I would be without you. We've had our moments and disagreements, but you're always there to listen (and I want to let you know that I'm here always too) and I know we truly are super close (especially for the short time we've known each other). I know we've drifted a little with you getting a boyfriend and I honestly I miss the girl you used to be...but I'm glad you're growing up. You'll be like my sister forever and I will spoil your future children rotton. :P I love you so much!
To the girl who buys and makes me random things out of the blue, thank you. The things you get me just hit home sometimes. It's not necessarily the things you get me, but just the fact that you care enough about me to buy me presents. You also will go out of your way to do things for me, text me almost every day, and hang out with me during the times that I really have no one to talk to. There are definitely times I do not know what I would do without you and I'm super glad you're in my life a lot more than you used to be. I love you!
To the quiet but super sweet girl in my life. Thank you for your confidence...for thinking the world of me, my family, and my voice. We connect in ways that I don't really connect with many other girls and that's really the fact that we both are kind of tomboys and like to playfully fight your older brother who is like twice our size. :P I love you girl. :)
To the boy who lets me be a tomboy...and yet treats me nicely like a girl should be treated. I know that most the time we are playfully acting like we are going to kill each other, but there is always an underlying kindness we both have toward each other. Yeah, we playfully fight and tease each other a little bit, but when it comes down to serious conversations and the sad days, you know how to give me good advice and make me happy again. You mean a lot and I have a unique friendship with you...the dynamic is amazing and nothing like I've ever really had before. I'm super glad to have you as one of my best guyfriends.
To the girl who will listen to me to rant about like anything and is always there if I need to talk. You're seriously so sweet. Even though I can be a bit much for you when I'm extremely extroverted, you still love me and have even complimented my personality. You do little things that mean a lot too, like meeting one of my best friends when she came to visit and helping me set up for a party. You give me some pretty solid advice too. I love you girlie! :)
And last, but definitely not least, to the boy who makes me laugh when I'm stressed, warms up my hands when I'm cold, sits next to me and hangs out with me when I'm lonely, greets me with a smile, puts up with me picking on him, gets over-excited about things like I do, and never fails to treat me kindly. You're seriously such a great friend and I'm super blessed to have you in my life...I hope our friendship lasts a long time...
With Love,
Your Friend Sydney
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